Random copied stuffz

Nothing I do is my fault. My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me! Consequently, I'm not self-actualized! My behavior is addictive functioning in a disease process of toxic codependency! I need holistic healing and wellness before I'll accept any responsibility for my actions.

History will thank me for keeping this journal at such a young age. As one of those rare individuals destined for true greatness, this record of my thoughts and convictions will provide invaluable insight into budding genius. Think of it! A priceless historical document in the making! Wow! ... So who ELSE should I add to my list of total jerks?

"The tv listings say this movir has 'adult situations'. what are adult situations?"
"Probably things like going to work, paying bills and taxes, taking responsibilities..."
"I've never understood how those movies make any money."

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